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A mini-facelift is a much lighter, less invasive surgery that produces a younger looking you (most people feel they look around 5-10 years younger), reversing the natural signs of ageing that commonly take place during your  40s and  50s.

The operation is performed around the mid-face and jawline and involves the removal of excessive skin (that has sagged during the natural ageing process). Operational scars are unnoticeable as they are hidden on anatomical creases and within the hairline.

The operation usually takes between 1 and 1.5 hours and is performed using local anaesthetic and sedation. A General Anaesthetic is not required for this procedure.

Post-operative recovery is relatively fast with bandages being removed in around  day and your normal day to day routine can be resumed within  5-7 working days.


Post-operative pain is rare and any discomfort is handled with simple painkillers. It is normal for there to be some bruising, but this is minor.

a leading plastic surgery clinic in Famagusta, Cyprus.
Surgery Time
1-2 hours
Hospital Stay
Reasonable Mobility
Sexual Activity
Full Recovery
Sleeping on back
Time off work
5 days excluding eyes
Day Case
After 2 weeks
After 1 day
After 1 day
4 weeks
1 week
2 weeks
1 week

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does It Work?

With a mini-facelift, incisions are much shorter (resulting in smaller scars) and rather than lifting the skin (the standard technique for a full face-lift) sub-dermal tissues are restored to their original position.

Who Should Consider The Mini-Facelift?

As most natural sagging and loss of volume in the face occurs during the 40s and 50s, the mini-facelift is usually recommended for patients over 50 years of age.

Guidelines For Surgery

The following guidelines apply for all types of surgery Use of all blood thinners should be stopped (under guidance from Dr. Celikkaya) Smoking should stop from the date of the operation until 10-14 days after the treatment. Any activities that will increase blood pressure should also be halted.

What are the main factors to be considered before a Mini-Lift operation?

As with all surgical procedures, it is recommended to stop using blood thinners before the operation.

What are the factors to be considered after the surgery?

Smoking should be avoided for 10 to 14 days after the surgery as well as activities which might increase blood pressure for 5 to 7 days.

Are there any changes to facial expression after surgery?

The Mini-Lift operation is not about creating a new face but rather restoring tissues that have deformed over time

Are the results of a Mini-Lift operation permanent?

The results of the Mini-Lift operation are permanent. After the Mini-Lift surgery, ten years may be taken off the appearance, but the aging process continues as usual from then on

Can a Mini-Lift surgery be combined with different operations?

Yes. Depending on the need of the patient, it can be performed together with other operations (eye lid, stem cell, nose surgeries, fat injections etc.).

Is Mini-Lift a painful operation?

Patients do not experience any pain after these surgeries but may encounter a sensation of pressure or tension. These feelings completely dissolve in a few days time.

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